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  • »AnJoNiLuMiAn« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 11 811

Registrierungsdatum: 16. Mai 2011

Name: Jana

Wohnort: Niedersachsen

Danksagungen: 1115 / 413

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Samstag, 15. Juni 2013, 20:26

engl. Gedicht

Gerade darüber gestolpert:

There’s three to wash, three to dry.
There’s three who argue and three who cry.
One’s in the mud having a ball,
One stands on the chair, waiting to fall.
The other holds a crayon, marking a wall.
Some days seem endless, my patience grows thin.
Why was I chosen to be a mother of triplets?
The answer comes clear at the end of the day,
As I tuck them in bed, and to myself I say
There’s three to kiss and three to hug:
And best of all, three to love!
Viele Grüße
Jana mit
A. (2004), J. (2006), N. (2008 ), L. + M. + A. (2010 bei 34+0 mit 2,3 / 2,2 / 1,6kg)

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